www.hostso.com - bad bad treatment
Condivido la mia situazione con HOSTSO.COM Good evening, are a serious disservice to complain that we were causing no warning. We insulated all the services that claim to offer yesterday at 2 PM We are in serious trouble because of you. We're testing your server to bring prospective customers but the service is really poor. Yesterday your technical service via livechat we had guaranteed the restoration of services after 24 hours. 30 hours have passed and we always stop. We just chose you because you say as suppliers to offer a service without limits. Instead I seem to have many limitations Venus. I'm desperate can not block it this way is shameful. I ask you to solve the problem immediately. --- ITALIANO: Buonasera, sono a lamentare un gravissimo disservizio che ci state causando senza nessun avvertimento. Noi siamo isolati con tutti i servizi che vantate di offrire da ieri alle ore 2 P.M. Siamo in grave difficoltà per colpa vostra. Stiamo testando i v...